Emma has a wealth of experience representing local authorities, parents, children, and interveners in public law proceedings. Her cases have covered the most serious of issues, including neglect, drug and alcohol misuse, mental health, fabricated or induced illness, sexual and physical abuse, and non-accidental injury.
Emma is regularly led by King’s Counsel in particularly complex cases.
Notable Public Law Children cases
A Local Authority v The Mother & Ors [2023] EWFC 90Emma, instructed by Reeds Solicitors, appeared on behalf of A (a child) the Third Respondent acting through their Children’s Guardian in an application by father for disclosure of various pieces of information in relation to public law proceedings.
Re E and H (Care Proceedings – Alleged FII – Costs) [2023] EWFC 69Care proceedings, issued following concerns that mother had fabricated or induced illness in the children. No such findings made. Application for costs by parents.
Re T (No.2) (Care Proceedings : Fact-Finding : Genital Injuries : Supplemental judgment for publication) [2021] EWFC 101
Re AB (Children) (Care & Placement Orders) [2021] EWFC B34 (23 April 2021)Applications for care and placement orders. The care plan was for the children to be placed together by way of adoption.
OCC v D, E and F (supervision order after non-accidental injuries) [2020] EWFC B64 (09 November 2020)Non-accidental injury case. Emma represented the children at both the fact-finding hearing and the final hearing.
Re J (A Child: Residential assessment) [2021] EWFC B18 (09 April 2021)An appeal by a local authority against the case management decision of District Judge.
OCC v C [2020] EWFC B47 Care proceedings involving parents and children with learning disabilities.