Jonathan Sampson KC

Call: 1997 / Silk: 2020

"Excellent with evidence and in cross-examination, he has great presence in court."
Chambers UK Bar 2024

Jonathan is widely recognised as one of the leading advocates at the Family Law Bar. With over twenty years of experience in children and financial work he is known for his intellectual rigour, clarity of his advocacy and approachable manner, he has been consistently ranked for many years in both the Legal 500 and Chambers UK.

Jonathan has appeared in numerous reported appeal and first-instance cases. His ability to assimilate complex facts and to marshal arguments under pressure and his determination to pursue his clients’ cases are hallmarks of his approach to the intellectual and emotional demands of this area of litigation.

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Call: 020 7353 6961

Practice Areas

Jonathan specialises in cases involving serious injuries, child death and litigation involving abuse overlapping with criminal investigations and proceedings. Jonathan has extensive experience of successfully challenging medical expert evidence through cross-examination. He is known for his meticulous preparation and breadth of knowledge in the field. He has lectured with leading medical experts and provided advice to New Scotland Yard on investigation of child death cases. He is also regularly instructed as a single joint expert in public law cases withan international dimension as well as advising and appearing on judicial review and Human Rights Act claims overlapping with public law proceedings.

Notable Public Law Children cases

Re N (A Child) (Care Order: Welfare Evaluation) [2024] EWCA Civ 938

Local Authority, supported by the mother and the Guardian, appealed a care order which provided that a child, currently living in foster care in England, should move to live with his father in Italy.

W (A Child), In the Matter Of (Inflicted Injury - Delay) [2024] EWCA Civ 418

Appeal by mother against findings in care proceedings that she or the father had inflicted injuries to the child.

Re J (Care Plan for Adoption) [2024] EWCA Civ 265

Appeal by mother against a care order made in respect of her 9 month-old son.

Re AA (Re Children Act 1989) [2023] EWFC 278

Fact-finding hearing in care proceedings concerning a one year old child who had two broken ribs and a history of unexplained marks.

West Sussex County Council v MM & Ors [2023] EWFC 38

Fact-finding in care proceedings, concerning cause of injuries to younger of two children.

T (Fact-Finding: Second Appeal) [2023] EWCA Civ 475

Second appeal by LA from decision by circuit judge allowing an appeal against findings made by a deputy district judge in care proceedings involving 4 children.

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council v VW & Ors [2022] EWFC 83

Represented local authority in care proceedings. Judgment considering which threshold issues remained in dispute and whether they should be litigated at a final, contested hearing.

Re Y (A Minor) (No 2) (Brussels II Revised: Jurisdiction after Article 15 Transfer: Welfare) [2022] EWFC 69
A County Council v M [2021] EWFC 35

Order of Judd J authorising a local authority to proceed with an adoption favoured by the parents without first assessing the paternal grandmother as a potential carer.

Re J (A Child: Residential assessment) [2021] EWFC B18 (09 April 2021)

An appeal by a local authority against the case management decision of District Judge.

Y & X (Children) [2020] EWFC 15, [2020] 4 WLR 47
CD (A Child : Re Hearing of Fact - Finding) [2018] EWHC 2670 (Fam)
Northamptonshire County Council v M & N [2018] EWFC 82
D (A Child), Re (Rev 1) [2017] EWHC 3075 (Fam)
ES (A Child), Re [2017] EWFC B67
D (A Child) [2017] EWCA Civ 196
M (Children), Re (No 2) [2015] EWHC 2933 (Fam)
N (A Child: Interim Care Order: Interim Removal) [2015] EWFC 40

Jonathan’s private law work covers the spectrum of private law work, from those involving intractable disputes between parties to those where international or internal relocation is the key issue. A tenacious negotiator and advocate, Jonathan combines this with a sympathetic and accessible manner with clients, earning him repeat instructions for many years from leading firms where the complexity of the issues has resulted in lengthy litigation. His approach to this work ensures that he is on hand to assist in steering the approach to litigation out of court as well as at contested hearings.

Notable Private Law Children cases

KD v AM & Ors [2018] EWFC 64 (Fam)

Jonathan regularly appears in the High Court in wardship and abduction cases, as well as those involving recognition and enforcement of orders across borders. He has lectured in, and regularly receives instruction as a joint expert on international issues within care proceedings.

Notable International Family Law cases

AA v BB & Ors [2022] EWHC 2322 (Fam) (12 July 2022)

An application under the Hague Convention 1980.

Jonathan’s experience in this field over two decades has led to a specialism in high net-worth cases, particularly those involving substantial company assets, complex pension arrangements, offshore finances and family trusts. He has substantial experience in a range of ancillary issues, including contested issues over non-matrimonial assets, applications to set aside, and international enforcement of orders.


What the directories say

"His mind is like a top-grade, super computer and his knowledge is encyclopaedic; you can't help but be amazed at his ability to pull arcane but helpful points from the labyrinthine annals of the law." "Jonathan Sampson is brilliant with difficult clients and has exceptional knowledge and skill." "A very good advocate, he's someone who asks the right questions in court and works out how to put his client's case in the best possible way." "Excellent with evidence and in cross-examination, he has great presence in court." "Clever, strategic and someone with strong cross-examination skills."
Chambers UK Bar 2024

'Jonathan is one of the most intelligent advocates. His grasp of expert evidence, in particular, is extremely impressive.'
The Legal 500 UK Bar 2024

'Jonathan is assiduous in his preparation and has a great eye for detail.'
The Legal 500 UK Bar 2024

“He's clever, he knows his papers and he has an eye for the technical detail in a case.”
Chambers UK Bar 2023

“Jonathan Sampson is a strong KC who is excellent at digesting information swiftly.”
Chambers UK Bar 2023

'Jonathan is brilliant in cross-examination of the witnesses, be it the lay parties or experts. His unruffled ability to forensically challenge and undermine a witness is peerless. He has a great command of the complexities of medical evidence.’
The Legal 500 UK Bar 2023

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Jonathan Sampson KC in Re W (A Child) (Inflicted Injury – Delay) [2024] EWCA Civ 418

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