Whether you are simply seeking advice or wish to instruct one of our barristers, the process is extremely easy.

Step 1

When you first get in touch with us (either by filling out the online enquiry form, or contacting us by email or telephone) your first point of contact will be our clerks. Clerks assist barristers with managing their practices, court diaries, and agreeing fees.

Our clerks are very experienced and known for being extremely approachable and helpful. They will be happy to discuss your matter with you and they also fully understand that many of our clients are facing stressful and difficult circumstances. They will do everything they can to assist you and may ask you for further information about your case if necessary.

Step 2

From the information you provide our clerks will review the matter with the most appropriate barrister. We will assess whether your case is suitable for direct access and what the next steps should be. Sometimes our barristers will also offer to have a short discussion with you in order to get a better understanding of the matter at hand.

Step 3

We will contact you to discuss our assessment and recommend next steps. Our clerks will help you to decide who will be the best barrister to assist you with your case and they will be very happy to talk through the issues with you before you make a choice. We will provide you with an outline estimate of the costs to avoid any unnecessary surprises further down the line.

Step 4

We will tailor our services to meet your particular needs which may include:

  • Providing a written advice after considering the paperwork that you have provided;
  • Arranging for a conference in order to discuss your case. An in-person conference can be arranged at our offices in London or Oxford (both offices have convenient central locations), or by telephone and video call, we can work flexibly to find a time that works for you; and
  • Representing you at your court hearing.


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