Andrew Leong, Edward Kirkwood and Alex Forbes in A Council v Mother of CA & Ors [2023] EWFC 274

11th Mar 2024 | Cases

Edward Kirkwood was instructed by the Applicant Council, Alex Forbes instructed by Rowberry Morris, represented the Second Respondent Father and Andrew Leong, instructed by Griffiths Robertson Solicitors, represented the Fourth to Fifth Respondent Children in A Council v Mother of CA & Ors [2023] EWFC 274 a fact-finding in care proceedings concerning two children. Child CA, a teenager, resided with her Father, stepmother, MB, and MB’s son, CB, CA’s half-brother. Allegations of physical and sexual abuse were made by CA against her Father and MB. The Father and MB denied all allegations, but the court found important inconsistencies in both their accounts. CA gave live oral evidence with the assistance of special measures. The court found CA to be credible and several of her allegations of abuse were found proved.

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