Edward Kirkwood

Call: 1999

'Edward is very approachable and knowledgeable and prepares the cases well. He is flexible in his approach to instructions and is happy to go that extra mile if asked.'
Legal 500 UK Bar 2024

Edward was called in 1999 and has specialised exclusively in family law proceedings for over 18 years.

His main areas of expertise are in public law care and adoption proceedings as well as private law Children Act proceedings.

Edward regularly acts for local authorities, guardians and parents at all stages of care and adoption proceedings. His experience covers the complete spectrum of issues including serious non-accidental injuries, chronic neglect, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation.

When representing local authorities, he has the benefit of a detailed understanding of internal procedures, decision making protocols and pressures on time and resources. Equally when representing parents he is able to offer realistic advice whilst building a trusting rapport with the client regardless of their background or the allegations made against them.

To instruct Edward or for more information…

Call: 020 7353 6961
Email: clerks@harcourtchambers.co.uk

Practice Areas

Edward has a particular interest and expertise in cases involving non-accidental injuries with multiple, sometimes conflicting, expert evidence. His experience covers cases involving multiple fractures, burns, starvation and “shaking” injuries. He also has experience in complex FII cases.

Notable Public Law Children cases

BM v A Local Authority & Ors [2024] EWFC 196

Application by father to re-open findings of fact in case involving the death of child, in light of new evidence in which mother admitted causing the injuries to child.

A Council v Mother of CA & Ors [2023] EWFC 274

A fact finding hearing in which a young teenager made allegations of physical and sexual abuse by her father and step mother which were found proved.

Wokingham Borough Council v The Mother & Ors [2023] EWFC 196

Fact-finding in care proceedings concerning allegations that parents assaulted children.

Re H (A Child: s. 38(6) Assessment) [2023] EWHC 1083 (Fam)

Care proceedings. Application by mother for direction that child join parents in residential placement, for the family to be assessed.

Re C & A (Children: Acquisition and Discharge of Parental Responsibility by an Unmarried Father) [2023] EWHC 516 (Fam)

Application by M to remove PR from man found not to be biological father of child.

K & C (Children: Finding of Fact) [2018] EWFC B85
Lincolnshire County Council v M & Ors [2018] EWHC 3279
RBC v W & N [2015] EWFC B61
S & T (Children), Re [2015] EWHC 1753 (Fam)

In private law proceedings, Edward is often instructed on more complex disputes and frequently on behalf of r.16.4 Guardians. He has extensive experience of dealing with apparently intractable contact and residence arrangements. An example is Re J & K (Children: Private Law) [2014] EWHC 330 (Fam) – a case widely reported by the press as deadlock between warring parents settled over “a cup of tea” in the cafeteria of the RCJ.

Notable Private Law Children cases

Q v R (Intractable Contact) [2017] EWFC B35 (29 June 2017)
Re J & K (Children: Private Law) [2014] EWHC 330 (Fam)

Edward is qualified to accept instructions directly from members of the public under the Direct Access Scheme in appropriate circumstances.


What the directories say

'Edward has the ability to process large and complex bundles of documents and present them to the court in a highly skilled manner whilst making the entire process user friendly and supportive to the clients. He is a very capable advocate who will always support the clients but will always be honest and give sound legal advice with a sense of humour when needed.’
Legal 500 UK Bar 2023

‘Edward is a strong and fearless advocate who is able to take on any case, regardless of its complexity and has the confidence of the court, solicitors and clients.’
Legal 500 UK Bar 2021

"He combines a meticulous eye with an approachable demeanour."
The Legal 500 UK Bar

"His eye for detail is second-to-none."
The Legal 500 UK Bar 2019

"Really gets stuck into difficult cases."
The Legal 500 UK Bar 2017

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Edward Kirkwood in BM v A Local Authority & Ors [2024] EWFC 196

Edward Kirkwood represented the First Respondent local authority in BM v A Local Authority & Ors [2024] EWFC 196; an application by father to re-open findings of fact in case involving…

Edward Kirkwood and Daniel Sheridan deliver a training session on sexual abuse cases to lawyers and social workers at Central Bedfordshire Council.

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Andrew Leong, Edward Kirkwood and Alex Forbes in A Council v Mother of CA & Ors [2023] EWFC 274

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