Julia has extensive experience in all areas of private Children Act law, including disputes about:
- With whom a child lives;
- Contact with a parent or grandparent;
- Specific issues and prohibited steps;
- Special guardianship;
- Removal from jurisdiction; and
- Internal and external relocation
She deals with fact finding hearings in cases where allegations are raised of domestic abuse or of significant harm to a child including physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect.
Julia has a particular interest in cases concerning specific issues such as the religious education of children, see Re C below.
Julia regularly represents parties in Family Law Act proceedings where parties allege domestic abuse and/or are seeking to exclude another from the family home. Her extensive experience in acting for both victims and alleged perpetrators has enabled her to gain an insight into the patterns and behaviours involved, and to establish a rapport with her clients. Julia is particularly experienced in dealing with vulnerable clients, and in supporting them through the court process and the rigours of giving evidence.
Cases involving allegations of coercive and controlling behaviour are of particular interest to Julia. These cases are notoriously delicate and difficult to shed light on, requiring subtlety and sensitivity of approach. In such cases, the evidence can often be obscured from the court’s view, and the victims’ confidence eroded over many years. Such parties require a high level of support and preparation and Julia is committed to providing her clients with the care this requires.
Notable Private Law Children cases
Re B (A Child) [2015] EWCA Civ 974Julia appeared at first instance in this case concerning allegations of physical abuse to a four-year-old child, and subsequently prepared the skeleton argument and grounds for permission to appeal, which was duly granted.
Re C (Child: Involvement in Jehovah’s Witness Religion) [2017] EWFC B29In this case concerning a child’s religious education, Julia acted for the mother throughout proceedings to their conclusion in 2020 – achieving an excellent result for her client.