David Marusza in Gloucester County Council v a Mother & Ors [2024] EWFC 38 (B)

4th Mar 2024 | Cases

David Marusza, instructed by RWK Goodman, represented the vulnerable child in Gloucester County Council v a Mother & Ors [2024] EWFC 38 (B) who the local authority were seeking to place with extended family, but the expert evidence supported the child remaining with her current carers, her foster parents. Exceptionally, given the authority of F & G, Re (Discharge of Special Guardianship Order) [2021] EWCA Civ 622 where the Court of Appeal stated the coexistence of a Special Guardianship Order with a Care Order would be “rare”, the Court was persuaded to make a Special Guardianship Order followed by a Care Order, to ensure the current foster parents had parental responsibility, to reflect the reality of the child now seeing them as her psychological family, and in order to grant them status in any subsequent application.

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