What happens if your circumstances change? Or you believe there has been a fundamental mistake in a financial order? Members of the Harcourt Finance Group are well versed in the criteria and procedure for applying to vary and to set aside court orders arising out of financial remedy proceedings.

Maintenance provisions are variable for the duration of the order, and there is often scope to adapt these to changed circumstances. The capital parts of financial orders are designed to be final, so subsequent applications to vary or set those aside are not so common, requiring expertise in this specialist area of law.

At Harcourt we are experienced in advising and representing both applicants and respondents on the unique challenges of these applications in relation to every aspect of practice and procedure in variation and setting aside. In this area of law which is highly fact-specific, obtaining specialised independent legal advice at the earliest opportunity is advisable.

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For help and advice please contact our clerks.

Our clerking team is renowned for its friendly and pro-active approach.

Call: 020 7353 6961
Email: clerks@harcourtchambers.co.uk


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